"Celebrate Easter with cheer from Radio N-JOY and mouth-watering dishes with VEGETA" - that's how the week-long campaign for Mother Nature's signature spice recipe started! In the run-up to one of the holiest of holidays for the Christian community, the VEGETA brand ran a game on the air of one of the country's biggest radio stations

Every weekday in the culinary section of radio N-JOY we told the story of the brand and presented the variety of spices and mixes offered by VEGETA. Host Neya challenged listeners to experiment and choose a culinary temptation to prepare with VEGETA, giving different examples and recipes. To be eligible to win a VEGETA gift, the listener had to correctly answer the daily question posted along with a vision and link to the advertiser on the radio's Facebook page.

Promotional announcements in the ad block and live announcements from the hosts gave information about the game and VEGETA throughout the day. Brand exposure was reinforced through sponsorhip tags before the segment with Neya and live announcements from the other presenters. Information about the game and VEGETA was posted on the N-JOY radio website in the games section. In addition, on the radio's Facebook profile, there were daily posts with the sponsor's creative.

For the period of the game the campaign was a great success, with nearly 6000 participants on Facebook alone.


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