Programmatic advertising is a highly efficient method of purchasing ads. It is developing constantly and offers more and more innovative options for advertisers.

Thanks to the control and transparency that programmatic advertising offers – as well as the settings the clients can modify at any time – fast and efficient campaign optimisation is ensured for the best possible results. The advertising data that can be referenced in real time lets every advertiser monitor the performance of their set formats. The platform allows for changes focused on achieving the targets of a certain campaign more efficiently.

The data for the first half of 2023 show serious growth in guaranteed deals in comparison to the same period in 2022 – higher by over 30%. It is clearly visible that ever more advertisers rely on this type of deals and achieve their targets exactly through them.

86% of video impressions this year were invested in guaranteed deals, with 14% in non-guaranteed deals.

Statistics show that throughout the remaining part of the year, programmatic advertising will continue its growth and the percentage of advertisers preferring this type of ads purchase will also grow.


Source: Google Campaign Manager 360

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